Thursday, September 30, 2010

Personal Quickie

1. Where are you from? State or province, and town?

I was born in Brookville, Long Island in New York. In 2nd grade i moved to Old Brookville only ten minutes away. It is 20 minutes outside of Queens and about 45 minutes from Manhattan.

2. Describe a fun media experience you had during your summer vacation.

In early August four friends and I went into Brooklyn to see the Distant Relatives concert at the Williamsburg Waterfront. The artist were Nas & Damian Marley. Not only are they two of my favorite musicians but almost if not all profit went to Africa. The concert was mind boggling and unforgettable.

3. Describe one thing you LIKE about our 21st century media culture, and one thing you DON'T LIKE about our 21st century media culture. BE SPECIFIC!

One thing i like about the media is the rapid process almost everything can undergo. The instant access to music, movies, and all forms of entertainment makes leisure simple and quick.
One thing i don't like about the media is not the way things are presented, but how the things being presented have changed. For example, the way music evolved. Through peoples demand, soul music almost no longer exists. Hip-hop has also changed severely to the point people call it "dead." Music media is congested with the popular favor.

4. What vision do you have for your future, professionally?

The future isn't quite simple to decide, but i have a reasonable vision. I would like to write in any form that gets my opinions and inspiration out. It doesn't have to be creative or professional, just enjoyable.

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