Thursday, September 30, 2010

Media Meditation: Numero 1- Shottas.

Last night I sat down in my spoiling Quarry Hill “dorm”, and flipped through my TV’s Netflix Instant Que. One movie I added I haven’t seen in about two years. I wanted to refresh my Rasta, slug flying, drug dealing memory, so I turned on Shottas.

(Movie cover from Gilla Movies)

Although not more than remotely famous, or critically claimed, this movie always gets me. It is about two childhood best friends from Jamaica, Biggs (Ky-Mani Marley, Son of Bob Marley) and Wayne (Spragga Benz.) They lived together in Kingston, Jamaica, and sought a life of crime. Together they stole a gun, and made their first robbery on a truck driver. After that, Biggs had enough money to fly himself to America.

Later in the film he returns to his homeland and his best friend, for more crime. Together Biggs and Wayne take over the Jamaica crime syndicates and even the drug cartels in Miami.

Personally, I love this movie because of the action and soundtrack. I am a big fan of gun busting movies and also love Jamaica reggae and rap. Perfect match eh?

Watch after 1:35 to get an idea of Biggs's character and his goons. One of the criminals he works with in the movie, is named Mad Max (Paul Campbell, one of Jamaica's most popular actors.) In the movie his character is meant to give you the chills. He does not speak, only murders. After everyone you see him kill, he writes on the scene in the person's blood, the amount of people he has killed (8:19-8:37 in video above.)

This will always be a movie I will watch and enjoy on a yearly basis. If you are someone who likes aimless action, Rasta accents, gangster groupies, and Bob Marley's sons, than you should give Shottas a try. It is only an hour and a half, and you won't be yawning.

1 comment:

  1. Fight global yawning, Ryan!

    Very good blogging here.

    Can you adjust the YT embed's size so it fits more neatly into your blog space?

    Keep ir professional.

    And go get more followers - share the love!


    Dr. W
